Ioanna Papas

Former Director, Communications
George W. Bush Institute

Ioanna Papas serves as Director, Communications for the George W. Bush Institute.

Before joining the Bush Institute, Papas worked at Golin and strategically supported her client, Texas Instruments, in making a move from traditional public relations to content marketing with a focus on social media influencers. Prior to joining Golin, she provided support and expertise for a number of clients including Dish Network, UT Southwestern, Sabre Technologies, HOLT CAT, Hillwood and Benefitfocus. In these roles, she assisted in media relations, external campaign development and execution, and provided writing, editing and strategic implementation support.

Papas graduated from Texas Tech University with a degree in online journalism. After completing multiple internships, one resulting in an article published in The New York Times and winning the Investigative Reporters and Editors student award for investigative reporting, she pursued a journalism career in Beaumont, Texas.

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Read the article Alex Gorsky -- Encouraging Innovation at Johnson & Johnson.
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Jul 27, 2022

Alex Gorsky -- Encouraging Innovation at Johnson & Johnson

Hosted by: Ioanna Papas, Col. Matthew F. Amidon, USMCR

Creating a culture of trust is critical at any company, especially one focused on innovation. Alex Gorsky, April and Jay Graham Fellow at the Bush Institute and Johnson & Johnson Executive Chairman, discusses how J&J's COVID vaccine came to be, why asking for forgiveness not permission is critical to innovation, and how his parents shaped him into the leader he is today.