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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Pablo Pacheco Ávila

Interviewed January 15, 2025

Human freedom comes from God. We are born free. The path [we follow] is what keeps us free or makes us a slave.

The word freedom starts from within oneself. I remember that in prison I was a free man. Sometimes you think that bars make you a prisoner. I think not. A prisoner is one who hides in fear and double standards, not saying what one feels or thinks. When we do not write what we feel, what we think, what our conscience dictates.

The life of the common man is very difficult in every way. Not just materially, but in terms of fundamental freedoms. There is no freedom of speech. When an individual lacks freedom, he simply becomes an animal, an object, an automaton.

That’s why I think that the life of a human being who is deprived of freedom is extremely difficult.