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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Pablo Pacheco Ávila

Interviewed January 15, 2025

It was an incredible time. I remember fondly when Ivan [Garcia] and Claudia Cadelo put the idea [of blogging from prison] in my head. I put out the information, so that they would tell the world what was happening in prisons. They proposed the idea of “Voices Behind Bars.” They created my blog with Yoani Sanchez. I´m very thankful, because it was that blog that stripped the prison system bare. That fills me with pride.

Ivan Garcia is a blogger. His blog is called “From Havana”. Claudia Cadelo is for me one of the best bloggers of Cuba. They continue with that and are wonderful people. They were the ones who really inspired me with this blog.

Many people deserve credit. There was much human solidarity. They [the prison authorities] gave us 15 to 20 minutes of phone calls. The ordinary prisoners [not political prisoners] would give me their telephone time, so I could publicize what was happening to them. Sometimes they would cut the phone line so that I would not continue. But if the call was cut I passed a note to a relative of the prisoner. So, I was involving people that did not even want to get in politics against the system. I was “planting a seed.”

Because, ultimately, it would get out. The truth will set us free. The truth could not be hidden. It might take 24 or 72 hours but in the end it was going to get out. It owes much to human solidarity. Ditto for the prisoners and their families, and because of Ivan, Claudia, Yoani Sanchez, her husband and those who helped with this blog.

[Ivan Garcia (1965 – ), Claudia Cadelo (1983 – ), and Yoani Sanchez (1975 – ) are all well-known Cuban bloggers and critics of the government.]