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Interviews with Pablo Pacheco Ávila

Interviewed January 15, 2025

On March 18, 2003, they arrested Pedro Argüelles Morán, head of the press agency for which I worked. I went to see what had happened. Some friends warned me, then I was arrested the next day. The same search as everyone, from 9 or 10 am to 4 pm. They woke my child. The incredible things that happen in Cuba… [Pedro Argüelles Morán (1948 – ) is a Cuban dissident and independent journalist. He was the director of the Avila Cooperative of Independent Journalists (CAPI) and was arrested and imprisoned in the 2003 Black Spring crackdown.

He refused exile in Spain in 2010 and remained in prison until 2011. In 2013, he received asylum in the United States] From there they took me to the State Security headquarters in the Ciego de Avila province. The process took some time … I was arrested on March 19. I saw my lawyer twice. My trial and 20-year sentence took place on my birthday, April 4. The same for everybody. There was no due process. As a lawyer told me, “that judgment has already been made.”

[I was sentenced for] “writing without dictate.” For not accepting the chain of thought. [The trial] was quick and behind closed doors. They invited five relatives who were surrounded by the police.

The evidence presented was the same submitted for everyone else: books, reports, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, reports from Amnesty International and Reporters Without Borders, books by [Mario] Vargas Llosa, books by Raul Rivero – what they used against everybody. If it were not so sad, it would make you laugh.

[Mario Vargas Llosa (1936 – ) is a Peruvian – Spanish writer and politician. He was awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Literature. Vargas Llosa initially supported Cuba’s communist government before becoming an outspoken critic of it.

Raul Rivero Castaneda (1945 – ) is a Cuban writer and former political prisoner and dissident. He was a leading pro-communist figure known as the “Poet of the Revolution” before breaking with the Castro regime in 1989. He was among those imprisoned during the Black Spring crackdown in 2003.]

I had already been imprisoned for political reasons in 1994. Three years of restricted freedom for posting posters that read “Down with Fidel”. Other acts against state security. Posting a “Down with Fidel” poster is a crime in Cuba. Imagine an American here not being able to post a “down with Obama” poster.