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Interviews with Khin Lay

Interviewed January 2, 2025

We’d like to have peace. We don’t want more conflicts in our ethnic areas. Yeah, I like my country to be very peaceful, democratic society. We know that it will take time, decades to be a real democratic society. So we should take our time. That’s why civil society utters pleas in every phase that remind that it will take time. It depends on you, not on Aung San Suu Kyi [Aung San Suu Kyi is the leader of National League for Democracy (NLD). She led the NLD to victory in the 1990 elections, but the military government ignored the results and put her under house arrest. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991] or President Thein Sein [President of Burma from 2011 – present]. What we can do for our community is ask how we can improve our country in the future.

The more we do, the more we get a better future. That’s the kind of message we keep giving to the community. So yeah, because, you know, our country was in a very hopeless situation. So the poor people really expected the best things to come out after the transition [In 2011, Burmese President Thein Sein began a reform agenda that has eased government restrictions on civil liberty and opened more political space for opposition parties], but now, they realize that because they have learned a lot, and also Daw Aung San Suu Kyi keeps giving them this type of message, that democracy does not – how can I say that –come overnight or something like that.

So – but at least, they will know– a little. We should take time. But to be a real democratic society, we need not only [ethnic] Burmese people, all the ethnic peoples and the minority people should unite with each other and try to reach our goal. And we should keep – how can I say that – we should go hand in hand to get our goal. And at that moment, very practical when I like to be is to stop the conflicts, to cease fire and to get the peace talks. You know, to get the peace talks is not very difficult. If there is a will, there is a way.

We believe like that. That’s why in 2013, there will be a peace talks with KIA. KIA is the Kachin Independence Army [the military arm of the Kachin Independence Organization, a political group composed of ethnic Kachins in northern Burma]. And the Burmese military have peace talks. And we will continue after the peace talks to unite our country. And again, for the – as you know, I’m a private tutor in my life. That’s why education – I want to see students who study in a classroom freely and happily and the education quality is very good, like America or – so I wish to see such kind of things in our country in the future.