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Interviews with Dalai Lama

Tibetan spirit, very much link with Buddhist faith. Like Polish spirit – you see, they [had] different difficult circumstances during Nazi occupation and during Soviet occupation, a lot of difficulties. But, during these periods, the Polish national spirit and Catholic faith combine, keep their spirit. In many case exactly the same. National interest and Buddhist faith combine.

Then one advantage here: now in China proper, the number of Buddhists rapidly increasing. Many of these Chinese Buddhists are also showing interest about Tibetan Buddhism. Now, for example, in India and some other different places, the Chinese – mainly Chinese – Buddhists from Mainland China always coming to see me. Came to see me. Even with difficulties, they are very, very eager come outside and to see me.

That is part of the process of democratization, you know? If I carry this main responsibility, then sometimes I feel it might be hindrance the people, free expression or criticism, because, you see, I not only political leader but also spiritual leader. And then, also, I always have this sort of strong view. The political institution and religious institution must be separate. I always was telling other people.

So while I’m telling other people the political institution, the spiritual institution be separate, then I myself combined. So my expression looks not very sincere or hypocrisy. So therefore, after 10 years now, elected political leadership already there. My position, semi-retired position. Then, I thought, now right time.

Sooner or later, there will be a day without a Dalai Lama, actually. That, sooner or later, will come. So the people must prepare. So much better while I alive. They carry full responsibility. In case my help needed, I’m available.

And then, also, the four-century-old, this tradition actually out of date, must change. They change due to some other pressure, and that’s not good. I think change – this four-century-old tradition must end. This is old fashioned, must end. So it is much better that this change by Dalai Lama himself voluntarily, happily, proudly end that. I feel that is anyway serving two previous Dalai Lamas and Dalai Lama institution itself. I feel like that.

So now I return there only for spiritual field. So of course, there’s no point to resign from Dalai Lama. This is not elected, but through – through – mysteriously, I become Dalai Lama. So until my death, I am the Dalai Lama. So okay.