This week, the launch of the 4% Solution made news across the country. The New York Times accurately described the relevance of the content over...
This week, the launch of the 4% Solution made news across the country. The New York Times accurately described the relevance of the content over the timing of the launch as the book is “neither campaign template nor partisan screed. It is a wonky paean to free enterprise.” Foreign Policy documents the recent outbreak of ethnic violence in Burma with a stirring set of images. The latest fighting between Rakhine Buddhists and Rochingya Muslims in the state of Rakhine has led to the deaths of nearly 80 and the displacement of 90,000. Burma’s government has declared a state of emergency, placing the military in control of the state and banning reporters from entering. The lead news in education this week came when six additional states – Kansas, Arizona, Michigan, Mississippi, Oregon, South Carolina – and the District of Columbia were granted ESEA waivers pardoning them from the No Child Left Behind laws in exchange for state-developed plans. Advancing Accountability, a Bush Institute education reform initiative, will monitor how states are changing their accountability systems and analyze what those changes mean for students. Earlier this week, Mrs. Laura Bush sat down with the Dallas Morning News to discuss the Bushes recent trip to Africa, the Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon initiative and the importance of keeping women's health efforts nonpolitical.