
Penelope Muse Abernathy -- The State of Local News

The Strategerist Podcast

Penelope Muse Abernathy is a visiting professor at Northwestern University and a former senior executive at The New York Times and Wall Street Journal. She specializes in researching local journalism and is the author of two books and five reports, including The State of Local News.

She joined host Andrew Kaufmann and the Bush Institute’s Bill McKenzie to discuss news deserts, the importance of quality journalism, and why local reporting is essential to our democracy.

Hear more from Penny on this episode of The Strategerist, presented by the George W. Bush Presidential Center.

Related content: 

The State of Local News

Hosted by
Learn more about Andrew Kaufmann.
Andrew Kaufmann
Director, Communications and Marketing
George W. Bush Presidential Center
Learn more about William McKenzie.
William McKenzie
Senior Editorial Advisor
George W. Bush Institute