
Bush Institute’s David J. Kramer discusses new recommendations on Ukraine with CBS’ The Daily Report

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Learn more about David J. Kramer.
David J. Kramer
David J. Kramer
Executive Director, George W. Bush Institute and Vice President
George W. Bush Presidential Center

Executive Director of the George W. Bush Institute David J. Kramer joined CBS News’ The Daily Report to discuss the Bush Institute’s new recommendations on Ukraine for the Trump Administration and Congress.

“Ukraine has been doing a heroic job of pushing back on Russia’s aggression and invasion and war crimes, but Ukraine is in desperate need of assistance from the outside world, from the United States in particular,” Kramer said.

“It is our hope in these recommendations that President Trump will maintain if not even increase military assistance to Ukraine so that Ukraine is either in a better position militarily or in a better position should the war move to a negotiating table. Ukraine needs to negotiate from a position of strength, and the United States can help do that.”

The Bush Institute’s recommendations on Ukraine include:

  • The Trump Administration should prioritize support for a Ukrainian victory by accelerating provision of robust military assistance to Kyiv
  • The United States and its allies should reenforce existing economic sanctions on Russia and impose new, effective ones
  • The United States, together with NATO allies, should extend an invitation for Ukraine to join the Alliance
  • The international community should prioritize the prosecution of Russia’s war crimes

Read the complete recommendations here.