
American foreign policy toward Ukraine, Russia, and NATO beyond 2024

Learn more about David J. Kramer.
David J. Kramer
David J. Kramer
Executive Director, George W. Bush Institute and Vice President
George W. Bush Presidential Center

David J. Kramer, Executive Director of the George W. Bush Institute, participated in a panel conversation hosted by the Brookings Institution about how the U.S. should handle its relationships with Ukraine, Russia, and European countries going forward.

“The stakes here, I would say, are enormous,” Kramer said when discussing Russia’s war in Ukraine. “And they’re enormous for us because this is a huge battle playing out between authoritarianism and freedom. It is about depriving a country of its independence, forcibly changing borders – which we have not seen since World War II on the European continent.”

“If Putin is not stopped in Ukraine – even though the Russian military has suffered a terrible toll as the result of his disastrous decision to go into Ukraine – he will not stop there,” Kramer said.