SMU student writes children's book encouraging all generations to work across differences

Learn more about Chris Walsh.
Chris Walsh
Director, Global Policy
George W. Bush Institute
Anna Kelley Zielke
Guest Author

“One of the great things about The Pluralism Challenge series is the opportunity we have to spotlight different people who are actually practicing pluralism. We have these big, lofty ideals and concepts, but seeing examples really makes them tangible. And more than that, it shows that anyone is capable of practicing pluralism and putting America on the path toward a more perfect union. 

“That’s why we’re thrilled to share the story of Anna Kelley Zielke. Anna Kelly is a rising senior at SMU and an intern at the Bush Center. She’s studying political science and dance. Talk about pluralism in action! She’s working on a new project, inspired by some of the work she did here at the Bush Center, to produce a book for children, inspiring the next generation to practice pluralism and build bridges. Like many of us, she’s tired of the toxic polarization and leaders who are fomenting division amongst us. So by teaching the next generation that we can actually get along – despite our myriad differences – and love the nation that we all share, it’s a perfect example of how pluralism helps our democracy thrive.”