The Blue Goose | Q&A With Sec. Mary Peters, Anita McBride Book, & More
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Kevin Sullivan, George W. Bush Presidential Center
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Date and Time:
29/02/2024 10:34 am
The Blue Goose
Blue Goose header
Inspired by the White House term for the President's blue podium, the Bush Center's Blue Goose is a monthly update for alumni. 2024
U.S. Secretary of Transportation (2006-09) Federal Highway Administrator (2001-05)
Sec. Mary Peters
Sec. Mary Peters
We are honored to welcome former U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters as this month's "Five Questions With..." headliner. She has spent her entire career, both in the private and public sectors, working to solve the nation's most challenging transportation issues. Still active as a consultant, advisor and member of several boards, Sec. Peters has earned a reputation as an innovative problem solver, a force for safety and a strong advocate for effective use of taxpayer dollars. Prior to joining President Bush's Cabinet, Sec. Peters worked in Phoenix as the national director for transportation policy and consulting at HDR, Inc., a major engineering firm. In 2001, the President asked Peters to lead the Federal Highway Administration. From 1985 to 2001, she served in the Arizona Department of Transportation, working her way up from contract administrator to director of the agency. We are grateful to Sec. Peters for providing her insights on the state of transportation in the U.S. today and her reflections on her time leading the DOT. Q: Can you tell us about the consulting and board service that have kept you energized the past 15 years? My consulting company is focused providing executive level consultation to clients, assisting in regulatory approval and financing for major projects and programs. I continue my efforts to find new and better ways to finance, build and operate American infrastructure. I am privileged to serve on several Boards of Directors, including HDR, Inc. and I-77 Holding Company as well as the Board of Trustees at the Rand Corporation. I also serve as an Advisor to Northeast MagLev (the futuristic system of high-speed ground transportation in which trains are levitated along a guideway through the use of magnetic forces), Ferrovial and Granite Rock. I also chair a 501(c)(3) for Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL). Continue reading Five Questions With ... Sec. Mary Peters
Note: Suggestions for future “Five Questions With…” subjects are welcome at
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Anita McBride Returns to the Bush Center March 18 for Book Signing and Engage at the Bush Center, presented by NexPoint Program With Former White House Social Secretaries
Remember the First Ladies / Anita McBride
Former Chief of Staff to Mrs. Laura Bush and author Anita McBride will be signing copies of her new book, Remember the First Ladies: The Legacies of America's History-Making Women, at 1 p.m. CT on March 18 at the Bush Museum Store. The book, co-written with Diana B. Carlin and Nancy Kegan Smith, provides readers with an illuminating and highly personal exploration of the lives and legacies of U.S. first ladies. Pre-order your copy today from the Bush Museum Store. If you plan to attend the book signing event on March 18, please select the option to pick up your book in person at the Museum Store. At 6 p.m. as part of Engage at the Bush Center, Presented by NexPoint, McBride will moderate a conversation with former White House Social Secretaries who will share insights and behind-the-scenes stories about entertaining at the White House. From State Dinners to picnics on the South Lawn, the experts will discuss the importance of the White House as a stage for hospitality and diplomacy. McBride will be joined by Jeremy Bernard, former White House Social Secretary to President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama; Gahl Hodges Burt, former White House Social Secretary to President Ronald Reagan and First Lady Nancy Reagan; and Amy Zantzinger, former White House Social Secretary to President Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush. Learn more and purchase tickets to Engage at the Bush Center, presented by NexPoint
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Beckwith, who stood alongside President Bush at Ground Zero, passed away February 4
President Bush and Bob Beckwith
White House / George W. Bush Presidential Library
DALLAS, TEXAS - "Laura and I are saddened by the passing of Bob Beckwith. On September 11, 2001, Bob was happily retired after more than 30 years of service with the New York City Fire Department. When the terrorists attacked, Bob suited back up and, like so many brave first responders, raced toward the danger to save and search for others. His courage represented the defiant, resilient spirit of New Yorkers and Americans after 9/11. I was proud to have Bob by my side at Ground Zero days later and privileged to stay in touch with this patriot over the years. Laura and I send our condolences to Barbara and the Beckwith family as they remember this decent, humble man."
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Remember When?
20 Years Ago: President Bush Marks Homeland Security's Accomplishments at Year One
President Bush
White House photo by Paul Morse
March 2, 2004: Marking its one-year anniversary, President Bush discusses the accomplishments of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C. President Bush said, "Many of you were here from day one. Others have come aboard in the days since. Yet, from the President to the Secretary to the newest employee, all of us here are tasked with a single, vital mission: to secure the American homeland and to protect the American people. (Applause.) There is no duty more important. We're meeting that duty together, and on behalf of a grateful nation, I thank you all for what you do to defend our country." Read the full remarks.
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Alumni Notes
Ryan Streeter
Ryan Streeter (EOP), who worked in OFBCI and the Domestic Policy Council from 2002-07 and today serves as Executive Director for Research at the Civitas Institute at the University of Texas, recently participated in a virtual edition of Engage at the Bush Center, Presented by NexPoint. The State of American Democracy was connected to the current edition of The Catalyst, the Bush Institute's quarterly journal of ideas, which included a contribution from Streeter, "How We Got Here." Watch the conversation.
Dana Perino
Dana Perino (DOJ, EOP) recently was a guest on the Three Martini Lunch podcast with Greg Corombos and Jim Geraghty. In a highly entertaining episode, Perino is in full storytelling mode. She tells us why she "loved, loved, loved" the job of deputy press secretary. She also adds insights into the job of press secretary, the importance of strong relationships with both the president and the press corps, why the current primary debate model is broken and much more in a fascinating listen.
Brent Greenfield and Tessa Binder
Hearty congrats and best wishes to Brent Greenfield (EOP, FCC) on his recent engagement to Tessa Binder. The wedding is set for October.
Denise Grace Gitsham and Ed Moy
Congrats to Denise Grace Gitsham (Campaign, EOP, DOJ) on the publication of her first book, Politics for People Who Hate Politics: How to Engage without Losing your Friends or Selling your Soul, "I bring up stories from our campaign in Austin, and how much I admired President Bush and a few others in the administration for modeling how to be a uniting, rather than a divisive force in politics." Gitsham writes. Sen. Tim Scott wrote the foreward and many other luminaries from the Administration attended a recent book party in Washington, including former Presidential Personnel and U.S. Mint chief Ed Moy (pictured).

Let us know what you're up to, professionally and personally. We are always interested in the latest news from our alumni. Send your notes to Kevin Sullivan.

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Regional Updates
"Women of the White House Photo Office" Headline BCA Regional Chapter Zoom Social at 7 p.m. ET on March 12
The independently organized BCA Regional Chapters Zoom Socials continue at 7 p.m. ET on March 12 with a program befitting Women's History Month: A conversation with former White House photographers Shealah Craighead, Joyce Boghosian and Susan Sterner. Get ready to hear some wonderful stories and get your questions ready for three remarkable women. Registration is required and available here.
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The Freedom Hall Society recognizes friends who have made a bequest, trust, or other estate-plan provision benefitting the Bush Center. These gifts ensure your support for our work lives on, extending your impact and legacy for future generations. Making a planned gift to the Bush Center is a meaningful way to honor and preserve the values you share with President and Mrs. Bush. When President Bush asked Ron Christie, CEO of Christie Strategies, LLC, why he chose to make a generous planned gift to the Bush Center, Ron responded: "My wife, Jennifer, and I would never have met if it wasn't for you. Jennifer and I would not be in the jobs we have right now if it weren't for you. So, you're asking me why we decided to make a significant contribution? Because of you, President Bush. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for you."
For more information on how you can also leave a legacy through a planned gift, please scan the QR code below, visit, or contact Dee Rindt at the Bush Center at or (214) 200-4384.
Planned Giving
Always consult a financial advisor to ensure your charitable vision aligns with your financial goals.  
Check Your Inboxes for Digital Publications from the Bush Center
Please look for Five For Friday each week, regular Bush Institute Briefings on policy, and the award-winning quarterly journal of ideas, The Catalyst. We would love your feedback on our digital publications at
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Happening at the Bush Center
Charlotte Jones and Savannah Guthrie
Recap: "Mostly What God Does": A Conversation with Author Savannah Guthrie
On February 15, TODAY show co-anchor Savannah Guthrie joined Engage at the Bush Center, presented by NexPoint, to discuss faith and her new book, Mostly What God Does. During this event, her first on her current book tour, Guthrie explained: "It's hard to smile everyday especially when the news is heartbreaking. My faith is what gets me through. It places everything in perspective for me. I think perspective is one of God's most amazing gifts." Watch the conversation with Savannah Guthrie and Charlotte Jones
The Taliban
Captured State: How the Taliban have relied on mafia-like behavior to consolidate power in Afghanistan
In this series by the Bush Institute's Natalie Gonnella-Platts, Jessica Ludwig, and Albert Torres, we take an in-depth look at the Taliban's corruption and the disproportiate impact on women and children — while exploring policy options to advance peace, stability, and freedom in Afghanistan. Read Captured State
Savannah Guthrie
Ukraine, PEPFAR, and war: A conversation with Dmytro Sherembei
For more than seventeen years, Ukraine has partnered with the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) to strengthen health systems and public supply chains to address the devastating impact of HIV in the country. 100 Percent Life's Dmytro Sherembei of Ukraine says about U.S. support for HIV/AIDS and in the war against Russia: "I want this investment to return to every American household as the happiness of their children, the clear sky without rockets and bombs, so that their mothers and fathers have a happy old age and are happy. They deserve it for all they have done for the world, not only for Ukraine, throughout the history of the United States." Read more
State longitudinal data systems are worth the legislative investment to connect workforce and education
In this report, Anne Wicks, the Don Evans Family Managing Director of Opportunity and Democracy at the Bush Institute and Amanda Wirtz, Advisor of Education and Opportunity at the Bush Institute, explain that determining whether a state's young people are on track for a life of opportunity is a difficult task for governors and state leaders. States can be both awash in data and unable to easily access and use that data to inform policy. State longitudinal data systems that meaningfully connect workforce, higher education, K-12, and early childhood outcome data from multiple state agencies over time are foundational to strong decision-making by state leaders. Read the report
The Strategerist
Disagreeing better on The Strategerist podcast
The Bush Center continues its exploration on productive discourse and civil yet passionate discussion in these two recent episodes of The Strategerist podcast featuring Chris Walsh, Director of Global Policy at the Bush Institute. First, Governor Spencer Cox (R-Utah), who also serves as the chair of the National Governor's Association, discussed the Disagree Better initiative that he leads — and why disagreeing is actually a good thing. Listen to Gov. Cox Alexandra Hudson also visited the Bush Center, where she discussed her new book, The Soul of Civility: Timeless Principles to Heal Society and Ourselves. In it, she discussed the difference between civility and politeness and why civility is a duty of citizenship. Listen to Alexandra Hudson
The Bush Center
Open Positions at the Bush Center
Please visit the Bush Center careers page to review job descriptions for the Dallas-based positions that are currently open. We welcome referrals to anyone in your network you think would be a good fit.
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Visit the Bush Center
As a reminder, all Bush-Cheney Alumni receive two complimentary Museum tickets per year. With the new special exhibit, Freedom Matters now open, it's the perfect time to visit. Request your tickets today.  
Check Your BCA Registration Details
It's a good time to check your BCA registration details. Log in here and update your profile.
Connect with Us on Social Media
Sharing and forwarding Bush Center content are among the simplest ways for alumni to help us advance our work. Connect with us today on Facebook, X, formerly known as Twitter, and Instagram.  
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As a reminder, for a birthday to be listed here, it must be submitted.
1 - Monica Kladakis (EOP), Tom Jones (DoD, VA) and Gerald (Jerry) Regier (HHS) 2 - Erik Hotmire (EOP) 3 - Anne Gordon (Treasury, DoE) 4 - Rob Gould (Transportation, EOP) and Doug Hoelscher (DHS, EOP, HUD, Campaign) 5 - Michael Anspach (EOP) and Deanna Carlson Stacy (EOP) 6 - Kathleen J. Becker (Campaign, EOP) 7 - John Goodrum (EOP), Tori Hatada (DoEd) and RADM Stephen Rochon (Residence) 8 - Stephanie Robson (DoEdash) 11 - Jon Schneider (VA) 12 - Wroe Jackson (DoJ) and Rachel Paulose (DOJ) 13 - James Carr (DoD, Campaign) and Mike Dovilla (OPM) 14 - Jeff Cavanaugh (DoT, NTSB, DoC) and Kathy Wright (DoS, EOP) 16 - Kathy Prendergast (EOP, DHS) and Neil Romano (DoL) 17 - Angela Landers (DoEd) 18 - Jimmy Glotfelty (DoE) and Karen Knutson (OVP) 19 - John Gossel (OVP, EOP) 20 - Monica Owens Beauprez (OVP) and Leah Smith (Campaign, Advance) 21 - Fred Fielding (EOP) 25 - Emily Lawrimore (DoC, EOP, OVP) and Kevin Luiz (Advance) 27 - Allison Bumgardner (OVP, EOP), Anne Marie Gunther (USAID, OVP) and Betsy Martin (Bush Center, EOP) 28 - Hailey Lann (EOP), Cheryl Oldham (DoEd), Rick Otis (EPA) and Tevi Troy (HHS, EOP, DoL, Campaign) 30 - Lisa Branch (DHS/OIRA) 31 - Larry Adams (DoA) and Brent Greeenfield (EOP, FCC)
Submit a Birthday

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