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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Zied Mhirsi

I´m extremely optimistic about the future of Tunisia. I feel that this country can do a lot and achieve a lot to catch up with a lot of countries. We will be hopefully doing much better than the southern European countries– were actually quite bankrupt. I think Tunisia has a healthy economic situation right now. We might benefit from the boom that is happening in Libya. We will become a place that´s very friendly to businesses.

I don´t want to compare it with Dubai. But we´re going to have a boom that would be similar to Dubai in terms of being at the crossroads of different cultures and markets. And a place where a lot of people have a lot of education, and a place that´s open to the world. Very business friendly and open to different cultures and civilizations. I definitely see Tunisia becoming more global– becoming a hub where– Africa can communicate with Europe. Where the U.S. can communicate with the rest of the Arab world.

Where Asia can communicate with Europe and Africa. So I see ourselves becoming more global and more open and a place where we will get back to the situation we were in during the Carthaginian times, [Carthage was an ancient civilization located in what is now Tunisia. From 650 BC to 146 BC, when it was conquered by the Roman Empire, Carthage controlled much of the Mediterranean.] where we were the place where everybody made business and communicated.