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Interviews with Zbigniew and Zofia Romaszewski

MR. ROMASZEWSKI: Well, that large-scale transformation is not a piece of cake, and that you have to think things through extremely carefully. Because we ourselves have accumulated a number of negative experiences related to the transformation.

MS. ROMASZEWSKA: What I think, to continue with this topic of transformation for a moment, is to not let yourselves be divided before you have won liberty for your country. Do not be divided along the lines of outlook or views – you know, how everyone has their own vision of what his or her country should be. And at the outset, everyone should subscribe to just one idea – that the country should simply be free.

MR. ROMASZEWSKI: I think I have to share one more thing – and this is something I think is quite important. What you need – it may be unfortunate, but it is what you need – is to have patience. Because societal processes take an extremely long time.