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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Wai Wai Nu

Of course there are many risks. As a woman and also as a [member of] a minority and also as a former political prisoner or political activist.

It is very risky because we don’t have rule of law until now. We don’t have [judicial] independence and a fair judiciary system. So we can be arrested any time. You can see now the continuous arrests of activists and journalists.

We are not feeling secure enough. We always have fear [of] when we will be arrested. I personally have fear of being killed by someone.

The main challenge is not having security, not feeling secure enough. And also, as a woman, there are some other cultural risks. When we work with men, when we work with society, especially [for] young women there are a lot of risks, getting recognition, respect, dealing with different people. So it is a very challenging situation.

But as I told you, having had [myself] many experiences of injustice, I don’t want other people in Myanmar to face those unjust situations.

So I only see that the way we can bring more justice is in democracy. So I choose this way to get democracy. And I would like to find justice, freedom and equality in democracy.

So that is the only reason [why] I choose this way. I choose the risks and challenges to continue to work for justice, democracy and freedom for everyone in Burma.