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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Vytautas Landsbergis

International role of Lithuania — What we did, it was not for ourselves. Even sometimes, we were fighting for our own rights, but as they were always the general rights of any nation, of all people, and it was successful and understood. It was encouragement. And Lithuania had a leading role there. Therefore, during the recent period until now– recent period of history after the Second World War, all– a way to Europe free and whole, you know who said it. [President George H.W. Bush described his vision for a “whole and free Europe” in a May 31, 1989 speech in Mainz, Germany.]

All the way to Europe free and whole, my country Lithuania, not being among the larger ones, played a significant role. We disagreed to stop this movement of democracy eastwards. [Referring the views of some at the time that wanted to preserve the Soviet Union.] And that of course, in a long time view, our role was a role, rather, of victim of two dictatorships, totalitarian dictatorships, but it was a role of resisting victim, which always resisted. And that made Lithuania itself a freedom fighter. And the leading a role it played in the disintegration of the former Soviet Union. It is a great evaluation. Sometimes a little bit threatening.