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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Vytautas Landsbergis

We are always trying to support it [democracy], especially in our neighborhood. And the so-called eastern neighborhood of European Union. It is already recognized as [part of] the European area, including the Caucasus, after some times where political scientists tried to debate, is it Europe or not? It is Europe, but this Europe has to be free as well. So this heritage of Soviet dictatorship is still alive in [a] variety of forms. But the moves have been done. And if democracy and democracies will prevail in the world, I have a conviction.

We have to believe that Europe will be free and whole, but democracy is confronted by non-democracy or even anti-democracy, claiming that their regime is not worse. They are you, who want to impose on us your damned or worse regime as democracy, when we have our sovereign choice to be in sovereign democracy. It´s not democracy, but under a variety of nicknames called– the same is what is about democracy in Iran or in other dictatorial, in China and in many countries. Even if they, along with Soviet tradition, may call themselves “Democratic Republic of” — then it is no democracy. But [the] essential moment is about democracy. And what they will be chosen for those nations who could be considerate now as pre-democracy.

Will they develop towards the democracies indeed or return back to non-democracies? It is a great challenge for the world of today.