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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Sihem Bensedrine

No one single group was not targeted by this oppression. And Ben Ali´s regime started using this collective repression, collective– when one person is targeted as a dissident or opponent, they not only punish the person, they also punish the family, the neighborhood, the grandparent, the children. Everybody around this person is punished. And for me– it was a shock for me, because even if I already have an idea on what is this torture machine, what is this big machine of secret police during Bourguiba regime, but never, never I heard that the person responsible of its act is not the only person sanctioned for these acts. The entourage of people around this person, everybody is targeted.

And they would like to introduce and to present to the world that this country is really a democracy. And having dissolved the only NGO dealing with human rights was not a good thing for them. And then they had to pay for that. And they understood. They have, again, to allow this NGO to restart. But in between they put a lot of pressure on people who are leading this NGO and trying to do their job in a fair way– like me, like Marzouki, like Ben Jafar, like Hadi Rashif (PH), like all these leaders were targeted, were repressed.

And this was the main thing I suffered during the Ben Ali´s regime. This repression started in 1992. And it´s never, never ended until he steps down– until 2011. And– they used a lot, lot of tools. They started with a smear campaign against me, accusing me to be a prostitute, to be a very bad woman who do not have to be respected because I was supposed to defend human rights but I´m really bad person.