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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Sarah Ben Behia

The first advice I would give to activists is to listen to the people. And this is the advice I would give to activists, and to even politicians: listen to the people, go to the field. And know more about what the people need, and this is how you’re going to make a successful project. Because we knew exactly what the people in my country needed at that time. We knew that all that they were asking for is to get familiar and to know more about political circumstances, and this is what the project aimed – to raise awareness, and to help people to understand. So, know the needs of your surrounding population, and then go for a project. This is how you will be successful. And even for politicians, if a politician goes directly to the field, and talks to the people, I guarantee that anyone can run and can win elections. Really.

Dare to try. Dare to dream. We didn’t expect such a thing to happen – we never expected such a thing to happen, and when it happened, we knew the importance of democracy and the importance of freedom. So, dare to dream, and keep fighting, and never, never, never, ever give up. Because one day or another, you will eventually reach the dream you shared by all the activists in the world. It is to enjoy human rights. This is, I think, I believe it as a common goal for all the countries and for all the activists around the world. So dare to dream and stick to your dream and keep fighting – get the help of people surrounding you, get them engaged, because if unified, you can do anything. Anything, anything.

It only takes people to be unified and asking for the same particular goal. And you can do – you can fight the world, if you are in a fight.