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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Sarah Ben Behia

My non-profit started as a simple idea. It was created the fifteenth of January, right – one day after the [Jasmine] Revolution. After the fourteenth of January, though the president – former president – ran away. So the fifteenth of January [2011], the non-profit was created – the GID Association [Gens Independantes Démocrates or Youth Independent Democrats] was created. And the idea behind that is that people were very happy they got their freedom. They were allowed for the first time in their life to speak. And they were eager to participate, they were eager to take part, they were eager to participate in the decision-making process, but they didn’t know how. They didn’t understand what was happening – yes, we know that our president ran away, but they didn’t know what was coming next. Okay. What – it was like, we didn’t have a government, we didn’t have a president, we were in the street, so what to do next?

And we got a lot of – I mean, many circumstances may also justify the creation of a similar project, is that after the revolution as people were eager to participate, as I said, we witnessed the creation of many political parties, like over 150 political parties in the same time. In like, two months. A lot of associations and non-profits were created because people, as I said, wanted to participate. And we knew that we had to elect a temporary government, and we knew that we have to draft a constitution, but few of us knew what is coming next. Many people did not. They didn’t even distinguish the difference between the different ideologies. I mean, as if I was talking to an [American] citizen, and he didn’t know the difference between Democrats and Republicans, for example. So I had to deal with people who didn’t even know the meaning, or the definition, of a political party.

The definition of a government. What is coming next, as I said. So people like me who are familiar with these concepts, we wanted to help people to understand just that. So we started as a group of people – of students – young people, and we wanted to help people to understand, so we kept writing articles to explain the events happening in simple way. Because one of the mistakes made by people in high positions, or politicians, is that they kept coming on TV shows and talking to people using language they didn’t understand. So people were asking a lot of questions, and they needed to understand. So we needed to help them.

We kept writing articles in simple language, we kept reading all the newspapers and just did this [review] of the most important events so that people could be updated, and it started like that and it got bigger, day after day, until we had our elections. We had to vote for one president, and for some representatives among, as I said, 150 political parties – even more. Where I had people coming to me and saying, “I want to go to vote. I want to elect, but I don’t know who to choose, or whom to vote for.” So we thought to create this platform – it is a virtual platform called Ikthiar – and Ikthiar in Arabic means, “choice.”

So we invited people – I mean, professional people – politicians – from Germany, from France, and from Tunisia also, we have really good, good people. And we gathered them, and we tried to work on those 30 particular questions. Thirty questions because we needed just few questions, and they were really simple, but reflecting the ideologies or the tendencies of the people. I mean, I may ask you, like, “Do you want education to be private or public?” You may answer by saying, “Private,” or “Public,” one of them – but you don’t know that it is reflecting an ideology of – your ideology or your tendency.

So we worked on those 30 questions – particular questions – dealing with economic fields, cultural field, human rights, law, education – every single field. And we gave those questions to every political leader of all the political parties, and we got their answers on – about those questions – and we put all those answers in a database, and opened this platform to visitors, so anyone who’d go to visit the platform and answer those questions will get, at the end, a matching percentage showing which political party fit best with your answers so that you can know which political party suits you the most.