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Interviews with Sarah Ben Behia

In my point of view, I think that we will be facing many risks, and I’m aware – I’m totally aware of that. But the challenges are mainly – because I mean, I studied politics and I’m familiar with the political backgrounds of many countries, and with the historical backgrounds of many revolutions all over the world, so I know that it’s going take a long time. And even in the most developed countries – even in the United States, it took a long time.

After Franco’s leadership [in Spain], it took 30 years to reach democracy. In Portugal, in France – everywhere it takes a long time, and everyone is facing many challenges. It’s different from one country to another, according to the circumstances we are living, according to the history of the country. But we will be facing many obstacles, but it’s going be good. We are going on a good path. Many people are really fed up with this situation – they are saying, for example, “It’s taking a long time – it’s taking three years to draft a constitution.” Yes, the constitution must take even more to be written – I mean, it is the constitution. It decides the future of the country, and it decides the rights of the people and the duties of the people. So yes, it takes a long time. It takes a long time for different ideologies to reach a consensus. [Francisco Franco (1892-1975) was the dictator of Spain from 1939 to 1975, coming to power after the Spanish Civil War.]

So yes, it is taking a long time, but we are going on the right way, and the risks, for example, as I said – depends on the – and the obstacles, depends on the circumstances of the countries because we were never allowed to speak in politics. So we have really, people who are not experienced enough. In every field – the media, our media is not experienced enough. Our politicians are not experienced enough. And even the people, they are not familiar with those political concepts and political events and elections, and governance, and law, and the rules, and the constituent assembly – they are not. And the different ideologies.

So they are learning, and everyone is learning, and everyone is making mistakes. The media is making mistakes. Politicians are making a lot of mistakes. Those are the challenges. But the best thing would be to learn from our experience and from our mistakes and to rectify them. But it is very normal to live in – to face many risks. And it goes from inexperienced people, and there are many degrees of risks – of dangers – for example, we are facing an extremist risk in our country. It is a risk that we are facing, and we have to deal with that. I personally think that, for example, people in the government – I think that religion and politics should never be mixed, for example. But we have political parties mixing those two different and distinguished fields, which I think it is a risk but we have to deal with it.