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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Ricardo Lagos

Interviewed December 27, 2024

When we returned to Chile in ’78 (and we did that because I was with a United Nations institution, the International Labor Organization) I became involved in the question of human rights movements in Chile.

And at the same time, before that, before leaving Chile [I was involved in] the question of helping people to leave Chile because their lives were in jeopardy.

As I told you, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, a friend of mine, at that time [he] was the director of a think tank in Brazil, called me two days after the coup and on the phone he said: “I am sending you five thousand dollars in order to be able to get people out of the country. I know what that means.”

[Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1931- ) served as the President of Brazil from 1995 to 2003.]

And finally he established [a connection] with our friends in Buenos Aires to create a lot of “seminars” (quote, unquote) to invite members of social sciences in Chile to go abroad.

During those days the price of the ticket to go from Santiago to Buenos Aires was fifty dollars. With five thousand! Quite a number of people were able to leave the country because of that. That is a funny story.