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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Regis Iglesias Ramirez

Prison is just another event that a human rights or civil rights activist is liable to go through when living under tyranny. But despite our imprisonment being unjust and a legal aberration, we were aware that it could happen someday, and despite the pain we felt in not being useful anymore to the freedom cause in Cuba, because a prisoner is someone who is of no use and who depends on the aid and solidarity of others to survive, despite all this and despite the nostalgia and pain that can be caused by being away from our families and loved ones, from our children, from our mothers, from our wives, I repeat that the conviction in the soundness of our ideas and the assurance of being accompanied by not only thousands of people of faith throughout the world, but also by the Lord our God, was something that allowed us to keep our focus and our hope of eventually being freed, or if not freed, then at least of keeping as much of our dignity and honor when going through that process, which would end sooner or later, as well it did. Maybe not in the way we wanted, but it ended nonetheless.