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Interviews with Radwan Ziadeh

But gradually I became involved in politics, especially after the death of the former Syrian president, Hafez al-Assad, and his son [Bashar Assad] became president. That period was called the Damascus Spring, where many activists, many politicians start to sign and petition and ask for more freedom, more liberty. I was among the first of those who participated. We form democratic for a which have opened debate about the political reform in Syria, the freedom of press, freedom of assembly and all of that. I think it’s two things, the first one, actually, the death of the son of the former president [Hafez Assad]. He has older son called Bassel Assad.

He died in a car accident in 1994. And after that, the whole country was in fear because of what the dictator Hafez Assad will do for the whole society. And I saw the fear for the first time as an actual – you can touch the fear in the eyes of the Syrians at that time. Where we were in the university, we have to go every day in the morning having flags, pictures of the dictator Hafez Assad and his son waving on his behalf and saying that we are all the sons of the dictator Hafez Assad. And we have to repeat that every day. All schools been closed for 40 years. There are no weddings. There is no – any kind of activities because the whole country should be in sadness because of the death of the son of Hafez Assad. At that time, as I said, I touched the fear.

I understand the meanings of the fear. Then I decided actually to read more and more and more in politics and became gradually involved in politics after this event. And I discovered in the human rights as a very interesting concept, and I thought that it’s very important to implement the human rights points and concepts to have an actual implementation or for all of those words to the ground. And you cannot do that without NGOs, without the human rights organization, without the human rights movements. And this pushed me to work with others to establish the human rights organization I work for.