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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Nora Younis

Interviewed December 26, 2024

When my son grows up to be in university, I hope the public education system will be better. I am sure the human rights situation will be better. But I´m not sure about the public education. And I hope he would find in Egypt the good job and the good quality of life because this is what we are lacking. Even if you´re smart enough and you get a good job then you are living a terrible life. I hope Egypt in this time will be over its main problems to be able to look into smaller things like environment and animal rights. It breaks my heart to see how the animals are treated in the Egyptian streets now. And I hope it´s different in the future.

I hope they stop cutting the trees like the way they do just to sell the wood. And I hope they stop burning the garbage in the streets and burning the rice ashes. I hope we´ll go back to agriculture. My parents come from the Delta. And we used to have farmlands. And I was very connected with this sort of life. I spent my childhood there. So I hope we go back to agriculture and do it right. And do it in a good way. Because I think our farmers have suffered a lot in the past decades.

I hope the workers will be paid well and they will have a life and they will look beautiful and healthy. I don´t want to see them tired and in worn-out uniforms and looking like this. And I dream of police stations that will be completely safe. You can go and file a complaint and they are smart. They´re really smart. And they can, you know, find the perpetrators by detection, not by torture. And I hope there will be rule of law and five or six presidents between now and then.