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Interviews with Nora Younis

Interviewed December 26, 2024

What worries me most is energy because there´s so much happening. And sometimes I feel that we are chasing so many things at the same time. There is a cops issue on sectarianism. There is a police and the return to work versus respect to human rights. And there´s a financial situation in Egypt and the economy. And there is unemployment. And there are the elections. And there is SCAF, the Supreme Council of Armed Forces. It´s just too much. It´s too much. And I hope we have the energy to handle all of this.

I think that if someone tries to monopolize the Egyptian people and if someone tries to become a dictator, or another small dictator or a big dictator, he is going to have a very hard time. I mean, Egypt has never witnessed football fans politicized. Young students politicized, all the government sector employees are not politicized. The farmers, the workers. It´s just going to be difficult. He has to deal with a completely different situation. And I don´t think we have a smart enough person to do this. I think the military´s acting very stupid. And it shows that if they were smarter than this, there were smarter things they could do.

So I don´t think they are smart enough to face the Egyptian people now. And the Islamists are a bigger threat in my opinion. But again, the people are fed up with them. And I think the first government that’s going to come to Egypt, whatever it is, it is going to be unable to achieve a lot because of the situation and because of the state the country has reached. This means if it´s an Islamist government, it will even frustrate the people even more. What worries me is that if it´s a liberal government, it will also frustrate the people even more.

So we have to wait and see. But I don´t think Islam is scary and is untouchable. And I mean, if any political group is rallying behind Islam, people are now prepared to fight for democracy even if it means fighting against this specific group. And, of course, I´m not talking about intelligentsia and the downtown intellectuals.

I mean, the Egyptians at large. Because it´s true that the Salafi Sheikhs [A conservative Islamic school of thought that emphasizes a strict and literal interpretation of the Koran and Muslim teachings.] for example, are very popular. And they have the legacy and so on and so forth. But at the same time people are discussing this. And they see that these Salafis have nothing to offer them in terms of bread and butter, the real life.So, so far I´m optimist. And we´ll see what comes and the next year. It´s going to be a very decisive year, I think.