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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Min Yan Naing

Interviewed December 27, 2024

When we started – so, we are young people. That’s why we think it’s some people are interested like this; that’s why we focus on the young people. We would like to encourage to young people. We don’t have an exact detail, but in our country, the youth are a big part of – very big – of the people. Not happy – dissatisfied in their life. Because – OK, after finishing the education, we don’t have work. We don’t have any opportunity. Most of the young people move across the border to Thailand, China, India – to other countries.

Now we start to involve. In the last two weeks we start to make a conference – assembly on changing education, involved in other education systems. We pushed it to the parliament and government. I would like to give the message that youth is very important for the country’s future. Yes, we need to take interest in our country’s situation and politics.