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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Min Yan Naing

Interviewed December 27, 2024

Right now we are an illegal association. You need to register if you are an NGO, but the NGO, they need to undertake an (application) letter. You cannot concern yourself with politics and political parties like this, but we are concerned with politics and human rights, democracy. We cannot apply. Our country has a law currently: You cannot take a foreign organization donation.

If you take, you can be arrested. Right now we can be arrested in Burma. But they don’t take action right to our organization because I think this idea is if they arrested our organization, international people will be talked that this is not good for the going to the democracy way. I got all the support from the other country donors. I start to apply.

That’s why I can be, stand up right now to my work. But in the future, I don’t want to get so long to support. I want the support from our people.