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Interviews with Martin Bútora

If I could start at home, my heroes would be the great personalities of the Slovak and Czechoslovak history. Certainly Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, the first president of Czechoslovakia, because he was a man of enormous charisma, he could give it to you straight, he was able to face great challenges, he was a great unifier, he was able to unite many people around him, he was able to think ahead, he was a man who said that “we need 50 years to firmly anchor this democracy”, all of which is still true today. [Tomas Garrigue Marsaryk was the founder and first president of Czechoslovakia.

He was elected to four terms in office, serving from 1918 to 1935.] And in this sense he was the founder of Czechoslovakia, half-Slovak, and certainly he took some steps that are difficult to agree with, but he was a great charismatic personality that the communists later totally erased or tried to erase. I think that Havel’s presidency basically continued this Masaryk tradition and in this sense Václav, I mean Václav Havel, President Havel was a man who was very close to me personally. After I completed my activities as the advisor to the federal president, we met often, not only with me but also with other friends from Slovakia, we went there regularly.

After the elections in ‘98, his first informal trip was to Slovakia, which was organized by civil society – so these contacts lasted, simply these contacts lasted for a long time. Incidentally, the last public appearance that Václav Havel participated in was the day when he saw Dalai Lama at noon and then in the afternoon he received the Ján Langoš Human Rights Award. When it comes to people from abroad, ever since my childhood I felt somehow close to America, maybe it is because I had a lot of relatives there, or because as a teenager I watched the Second World War and I really rooted for the allies, it was amazing when the Americans joined the war.

So America spoke to me in many ways, whether it was the American culture, or perhaps this never ending process of new beginnings, this ability to say “Yes, we fell, but we raise the flag and move on”, this ability to have a combination of a great enormous vision on one hand that comes again and again, once it is the Great Society, then it is the New Frontier, another time it is simply a contribution to helping democracy around the world, and which also combined a certain ability to do things with such pragmatism. So in this sense America inspired me a great deal, those people from America that were important to me, you could say, I would name a few, there were several American presidents, they certainly included Martin Luther King with his idea of continuing the American dream, his own version.

So if I am to talk about the civil or political leaders, those were the people who inspired me, gave me something, and then had this unbelievable sensibility and this, I’d say, impulse to say to people what needed to be said, how to talk to people, and also how it was necessary to reiterate that there are some material values that cannot be neglected, that cannot be violated – and also John Paul II. It was his “Don’t be afraid” with his key message that he also said in Slovakia; almost a million people took the pilgrimage. He did not say, “Don’t be afraid of [authoritarian Slovak Prime Minister Vladimir] Mečiar”, he said what the Holy Father and Priest has to say, based on the Bible, of course. “Don’t be afraid”, and that was an amazing message and he was quite brilliant, in this sense of the word, really brilliant.