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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Mamphela Ramphele

I believe that the great successes is the power of the inspirational leadership of Mr. [Nelson] Mandela that welded together segments of our society that people didn’t think was possible.

People didn´t think it would be possible for us to agree to a settlement. To agree to a constitution equal to none in the world, or second to none in the world. …Agree to a process of reconciling people who were on different sides of the freedom struggle. But importantly, people didn´t believe that we could live side by side as South Africans without wanting to gouge each other´s eyes out.

[Nelson Mandela (1918 – 2013) was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and politician who served as the first post-apartheid President of South Africa from 1994-1999.]

And that, I think, is a tribute to Mr. Mandela, but not just him, all of the people of his generation truly believed in non-racialism… truly believed in a non-ethnic environment. Truly believed in being servant leaders and so they dedicated themselves and so that´s a big plus. The other big plus is we have a set of very good policies in this country. We cleaned up our macro-economic framework, we committed ourselves to reconstruction and development program, which was intended to live the values of our constitution of making sure everybody lives in dignity, everybody lives with a sense of being equal to anybody else and that there will be freedom not just political freedom but economic freedom, social freedom that´s the theory.

The biggest failure of the last 20 years is our inability to understand the complexity of translating dreams into lived reality. We underestimated what it would take to convert people who are subjects of authoritarian systems. People who were subjects of regimes that said they´re superior or inferior to become equal citizens, active citizens of a society. So what happened in 1994 many of us even those who are active in the struggle handed over their power as citizens to the government particularly because it was the government of Mandela. He’s a saint. Do as you please.

Unfortunately, with Mandela moving out of government, his successors didn´t have the servant leadership approach that he had. His successors were not as committed as he was to reconciling the society.