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Interviews with Jorge Luis Garcia Perez Antúnez

Like the majority of the youth in my country, I was born, raised and taught the most absurd stories about the totalitarian system. As a small child I grew up hearing that blacks are only considered people within socialist societies and that imperialism is responsible for all the evils that Cuba faces. I was an indoctrinated youth.

On Thursday, March 15, 1990, I was at the “20th Anniversary” Square in the city of Placetas where they were transmitting General Raul Castro’s radio address live in an appeal to the party’s fourth Congress. There I decided to openly declare myself a political opponent, calling and advocating for reforms like in Eastern Europe. I was arrested and punished for the “crime” of vocalizing enemy propaganda.

[Raul Castro (1931 – ) is the younger brother of Fidel Castro who established Cuba’s communist dictatorship. Raul assumed leadership of the Communist Party and the country in 2008.]

I was a youth like many in my generation. I was one of those restless young people who were enthusiastic about the changes that were taking place in Eastern Europe and with Mikhail Gorbachev: glasnost and perestroika. I participated in social gatherings of young people until the early hours of the morning talking about those changes, anticipating the possibility that Cuba might take a similar path.

[Mikhail Gorbachev (1931 – ) was the last General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He served from 1985 to 1991. In 1990, the new Congress of People’s Deputies elected him the first and only president of the Soviet Union. Perestroika is a Russian word meaning restructuring; Glasnost means openness. Both were key elements in Gorbachev’s unsuccessful attempt to reform and preserve the Soviet Union’s communist system.]

That [hope] and my own understanding [of the political situation] obligated me to openly declare myself a member of the opposition. For doing so, I was punished, serving nearly 20 years in the most difficult and remote prisons where I experienced torture first hand and witnessed assassinations and abuses.

As a child, I grew up hearing that in the United States and other democratic countries, “capitalist” as they are called, blacks are attacked by dogs. However, on October 14, 1992, Eduardo Castellon and other high ranking officials of the Cuban Political Police were the ones who set dogs on me; that [attack] came close to destroying my legs. I was tortured and brutally beaten in prison. I will always hold the Castro dictatorship responsible for the death of my mother who was tortured.

It was 17 years and 38 days. I was in various Cuban prisons. There I had the honor of, with other brothers, founding the Luis Boitel Political Prisoner group. [Pedro] Luis Boitel was a model of struggle and resistance in prison. As a result of my civil resistance against the dictatorship and denouncing their violations I received many beatings for which I still bear the scars, including those from the Political Police’s dogs that attacked me.

[Pedro Luis Boitel (1931 – 1971) was a Cuban poet and dissident who opposed the regimes of Fulgencio Batista and Fidel Castro. He was a political prisoner under Castro and died during a hunger strike. Pedro Luis Boitel Political Prisoner groups are attached to the National Civic Resistance Movement of Pedro Luis Boitel, a Cuban civil society organization that advocates for political prisoners and their families in Cuba. In the summer of 1995, Antúnez created the first Pedro Luis Boitel Political Prisoners group in Kilo 8 prison.]

Despite having suffered through a Cuban political prison, despite the terrible memory of not attending my mother’s funeral because the Political Police wouldn’t allow it, despite having to wear a common prisoner’s uniform, and despite having to participate in what they call “prison re-education” activities, I consider prison to be like a school or a workshop where I had the opportunity to mature politically and ideologically and where I learned about the horrors of the Castro government.

If there is anything for which I can thank the communist Castro regime, it was for the opportunity to witness first-hand as a victim the torture, excesses, and abuse of that authoritarian system. Political prison is a difficult chapter to forget but it was an education and a workshop for those “lucky” enough, one could say, to experience it.