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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Jorge Luis Garcia Perez Antúnez

Freedom is very sacred to me. It is so basic and so important that it is difficult to explain its significance. Freedom is precisely this: a society where all people fit in. It is where jail and exile cease to be common destinations for those in the opposition. Freedom is the inclusion of all segments in a society. It is where all have full exercise of their rights. Freedom does not penalize. It is respect for the feelings that belong to us for the mere reason of having been born.

Freedom is being able to say and do what one believes, not what a system dictates to us.

Freedom is being able to live in a country where the state works for the people and not the other way around.

Freedom is no longer being objects of a regime and being treated as human beings. Freedom is when the [government] respects people and their dignity.

Jose Marti, the Cuban national hero, said something very important, “Man loves freedom even if he does not know that he loves it, and he is compelled by it and flees from where it is not found.” That says it all. Those of us who were not born into freedom and have not known it, the sole fact of wanting it and fighting for it without knowing it says a lot about what it means. Besides being a word, it is a longing, an objective, a goal, and a desire of humanity. [Jose Marti (1853 – 1895) is recognized as Cuba’s national hero. Marti was a writer and essayist who advocated for Cuban independence from Spain.]

[Freedom] has had many martyrs and it has many heroes. The enemies of freedom deserve humanity’s rejection and those who fight for freedom deserve respect and support.