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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Jorge Luis Garcia Perez Antúnez

Human freedom comes from God. Human freedom comes from the heart and the mind. It is not a gift from any regime. No regime has to tell me, “We will allow you now… You may go… You may not go… We will sentence you to… You will go to an event and say this or that.” Freedom comes from the heart and above all, God. It comes from our own conscience. It may possibly be something that is there before we exist, and it is very important.

Freedom comes from God’s nature and from our own creation. Freedom was either born before we were born or with us. I can’t recall a tribe, a generation, or a country that has not fought for freedom. It’s a pity that opportunistic demagogues, pseudo-revolutionaries, and political dabblers have abused freedom so much.

There are people willing to sacrifice everything for freedom because it is basic and fundamental. There are those of us who would rather die than live as slaves. We are willing to sacrifice everything because we do not feel like men, like Cubans, like human beings, like Christians and like children of God if we accept life under oppression. We are ourselves obeying a system that goes against freedom.

It is not sincere. It is improper, and even unnatural, to comprehend someone who is not free and doesn’t fight for it.