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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Jorge Luis Garcia Perez Antúnez

My Cuban brothers, yesterday I truly loved freedom, I longed for my country’s freedom, I was convinced that we should persist in this noble effort, and I was convinced that we should not give up.

Today, having known democracy and freedom, having met my brothers in exile, and having seen the astonishing show of support, solidarity and understanding of the Cuban reality, that feeling is doubled. Today I feel more Cuban and more proud of having been born in that country, but I feel above all, more committed to the struggle and to the ideals I defend.

Know that you are not alone in your struggle. We know the difficulties you face. But know that your beatings, your outcries, your longings, your imprisonment, and your dreams are shared with millions in this world, by many organizations and human rights advocates that support you. The regime used to take advantage of the silence, which is why our repression was greater.

Now, more than ever, I reiterate my motto: Jorge Luis Garcia Perez Antúnez will not be quiet and he will not leave Cuba.