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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Jorge Luis Garcia Perez Antúnez

To the foreign governments who support or side with the regime in Havana, what they are doing is nothing other than perpetrating the suffering and agony of 11 million Cubans who, like many of you, yearn for freedom.

It is not fair that when there are so many Cubans who suffer, when decent brothers are falling, when they have converted our island into a prison, that a totalitarian dictatorship could be legitimized.

Take interest in the people and in the resistance, not in the regime that oppresses our country. Know that the Castro regime is committing a true genocide. They are selective assassinations that should call the attention of the free and democratic world.

It’s vital that governments, whether Latin American, European, or North American, strengthen their support and solidarity with the Cuban opposition. It’s not just a political duty, but also a moral one.