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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Ji Seong-ho

Interviewed December 27, 2024

Human dignity or respect for human dignity is simply non-existent in North Korea. I’m able to now study at a university in South Korea. The reason why I decided to leave the North was because my own human dignity was trampled upon.

In 2000, when I returned to North Korea after entering into China [to find food], I was arrested and tortured. I could endure the physical pain and torture but when the officials accused and harassed me saying that I tarnished the image of North Korea and the great leader, that made me very angry.

I constantly asked myself: “Why did I have to become a physically disabled person? Why did I decide to cross the river?” I am reminded of all the lies the North Korean government told me. So, the most decisive factor in my defecting was the fact that my human dignity was not respected in the North.