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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Horacio Julio Piña Borrego

We looked up to [Mahatma Mohandas] Gandhi a lot. The peaceful struggle, which has always been quite peaceful. I am not at all violent, in temperament or anything. We looked to Gandhi and we tried to convey that to the activists who were at the time under my direction because of all that I have already shared, all of the provocation we received. And even with all of that we still had to keep our arms down [meaning to engage in nonviolent civil resistance], as did Gandhi. [Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi (1869 – 1948) led India to independence from Great Britain and was a pioneer of nonviolent civil disobedience.]

We had to face them [authorities] in that manner because otherwise the fight would be more difficult as we would be sent to prison. That is why we followed Gandhi’s example.

Also [Martin] Luther King [Jr.], but mostly Gandhi. I had the most access to literature about him. [Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 – 1968) was an American clergyman and civil rights leader. King used nonviolent civil disobedience to press for civil rights for African-Americans.]