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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Genaro Arriagada

I believe that more so than freedom, which is of course the foundation, in politics one must see democracy as the only political system that guarantees liberty.

That means free elections; alternation in power, where the one that wins the election can take power and the one who loses does not have to go into exile or be tortured, but rather is a legitimate opposition.

At the same time democracy is much more than elections. Democracy supposes a foundation of equality.

It makes no sense to say, “we are equally free under the law” when there are some (among whom I count myself) who have a good economic standing and there are others that live in poverty. Of course, law does not solely determine my level of freedom.

My level of freedom is also determined by the social and cultural capital, my level of education, my income. At the same time, the freedoms that a person at the bottom of the social and income pyramid are few.

In the end, their lives are about getting two dollars a day to eat. So, democracy requires an important dosage of equality.

In Latin America inequality is very large and our democracy is affected by it.

We want free elections. Without a doubt, it is fundamental. But we need greater equality.

Without equality, freedom is worth little. Freedom is for those of us who have money. I do not say “exclusively,” to be clear.

Military regimes repress everyone, particularly the poorest. So that the poorest have a real interest in democracy. We have to be able to give them the tools so they can use those freedoms.

Another thing that is very complicated in Latin America is that we are holding many elections but we have little rule of law. What one wants, without a doubt, in Latin America is to have elections; to have more justice so that freedoms are more real; and third, that we have a division of powers.

To have an independent judiciary that protects our rights when they are abused by the executive.

That is the dream. Latin America is far from completing that dream. But we have made progress.