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Interviews with Genaro Arriagada

Chile is shaped like a big test tube – long and narrow. And here, there have been the most varied kinds of political experiments.

I am an agnostic person. Nevertheless, the Christian Democratic Party is non-denominational. It was the big centrist party. I joined because I liked it. I could relate to its humanistic, democratic and moderate approach to politics. Those were my reasons.

The majority in the Christian Democratic Party is Christian and Catholic. But some of the party leaders have been agnostic and we have never had problems within the party. The party is very respectful of the religious convictions of its members.

I was very much in favor of Eduardo Frei Montalva’s [Christian Democratic] government – which was the other revolution, one could say. He oversaw great agrarian reform in Chile. He nationalized part of the copper industry. He expanded the labor unions.

[Eduardo Frei Montalva (1911 –1982) was president of Chile from 1964 to 1970.]

After Frei came Salvador Allende’s government. I opposed his government. I was a Christian Democrat. Our opposition to it, in hindsight, had certain characteristics. We did not want an orthodox socialist regime.

[Salvador Allende (1908-1973) was president of Chile between 1970 and 1973. He was removed from office in a military coup d’état.]

[Allende’s government was] a revolution like the Cuban revolution or like the ones in eastern Europe. But perhaps [our opposition] was very imprudent because, in the end, the relentless fight between the Christian Democrats and the parties of the left opened the door for the coup d’état.

As a result, though I had been a supporter of Frei’s government and I had opposed Allende’s government, I found myself facing a coup d’état in 1973, which we had opposed from the beginning.

[In 1973, General Augusto Pinochet staged a military coup and established a dictatorship in Chile that lasted until 1990.]

And so I spent seventeen years opposing the military regime. It is an intense history. Chile has been the scene of great political conflicts. This is so.