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Interviews with Fidel Suarez Cruz

I would like to give a message to all the people who are cooperating. They are doing everything possible to cause change in Cuba. I encourage you to continue to help according to your abilities. It is worth it. We, as a people, nation, Cubans, human beings need change. We need freedom. That many citizens of the world, many peoples, many nations enjoy that freedom that we lack. It will be welcome.

There are several foreign governments that support the opposition: the Poles, the Slovaks, the French, the U.S. government, Panama, Swedish, Dutch. Some other governments, yes. And organizations: Amnesty International is very important. Their support is very good. But the struggle of the Cuban people needs more support.

The more recognition the Cuban opposition gets will result in more supporters internationally. I personally would appreciate any assistance. All is welcome. May it continue.