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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Dalai Lama

Interviewed January 3, 2025

I think, this recall 1956, when I was in India. And some Gandhian freedom fighter, as he told me their experience of how to carry sort of disobedience and some kind of civil movement. Then I told him that British Imperialist quite bad, but still there is independent judiciary and also freedom of expression. Now the new ruler in Tibet, no independent judiciary and no freedom of expression.

Mahatma Gandhi from prison, he can write and appeal to court. But in the Communist authoritarian system, impossible. So and anyway, very difficult. So of course, the other sort of the way of, sort of, expression of opposition or resentment then they certainly they will do. But there’s no other choice except some demonstrations. Then as soon as demonstrations they happen, then they give the name, “troubling government.” So arrest and once they arrest, serious torture. Many people who arrested then, when they come out, either it’s a broken leg or hand, like that.

Overall, it’s about to constantly raise about human rights, about religious freedom. You see, these are — some embed in their mind. Some very, very helpful. Long run, very helpful. Externally, lot of government and including the United States, you see, raise the human right issues and these things. In the meantime, within the country, intellectuals really showing their resentment. They want more freedom. Freedom of speech like that. So the both sides, within the country and external.

And then, also, I think those people within the country who really carrying some change, some freedom, when outside world showing interest, showing concern about them, is immeasurable source of encouragement. It is very, very important. If, you see, while they carrying this movement, the outside world remains silent – that, I think, very bad. Morally, also wrong. So like United States and also European Union and some other countries, from time to time express their concern, it’s very helpful.

Well, usually, I think the United States, I think both Houses, and also this administration also. The last several decades, one of the source of inspiration, and as well as the European Union. I think that both Houses and also Union Parliament considered Tibet as an occupied land.