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Interviews with Chen Guangcheng

Interviewed January 9, 2025

I was under illegal house arrest. I would say my house arrest didn’t start in September but it started on August 11, 2005. But for the entire ordeal, what they [the authorities] did to me was they used plenty of man-power to surround my home, and locked me inside 24 hours a day.

All of this was done without the legal process, and they won’t reason with you. The Communist Party ordered the local government to do this, and told the police to take off their uniforms and to stand around my house for 24 hours a day. They just want to fight with you and use their superiority of numbers to stop you. Throughout this ordeal my family members and I were repeatedly beaten.

The local Communist Party leader was personally in charge at the scene. My wife, myself, and my children were all beaten and there were no legal proceedings whatsoever.

They won’t reason with you, and as we walked out they rushed us and ordered us back inside. I asked them based on what [authority] they were doing this, and they replied, “Based on nothing, simply the orders of our leaders.” The point is they won’t let you out.

For the year of 2005 they remained outside. They surrounded my yard; they placed numerous spotlights around my yard. They would also beat up my neighbors who dared to speak out for me and threatened to lock them up too.

I remember there were a few times the Communist Party and the government workers would form 25 groups, each group with two people, and they would go around the village to each home and warn people that no matter what happened not to come out and watch. “Do not get close to Chen Guangcheng.”

What they did to me was the same methods that were used during the Cultural Revolution [The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, or Cultural Revolution, was a social-political movement launched by Mao Zedong (founder of the People’s Republic of China) in the People´s Republic of China from 1966 through 1976. The revolution, which persecuted millions, had the stated goal of enforcing communism in the country by removing capitalist, traditional and cultural elements from Chinese society.].

They even told villagers, “Oh, this Chen Guangcheng is in contact with the United States” “he is a traitor who has committed treason,” to incite people. Of course, I would say this inciting had no effect because people there knew me and what I have done.