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Interviews with Chen Guangcheng

Interviewed January 9, 2025

I believe pressures from the outside, no matter if they are letters written by Congressional members, or the foreign press, or even American or foreign citizens writing short letters addressed to China have all been important influences, and I believe any kind of concern from outside of China will result in positives rather than negatives. Even if in the short term there may be negative repercussions, long term there will be positive changes.

The Arab Spring has really scared the leaders in the Communist Party. The changes in Myanmar [Burma] have also caused the people in China to reflect on why they can’t have what the citizens of Myanmar now have [In 2011, Burmese President Thein Sein began a reform agenda that has eased government restrictions on civil liberty and opened more political space for opposition parties]. There have been great discussions by the people of China on these issues.