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Interviews with Chen Guangcheng

When they finally convicted me, the police department, the prosecutors, and the courts all teamed up together [after having been held under house without trial from August 2005 to March 2006, during which time his home was surrounded by government agents instructed to keep Chen inside at all times.].

Under the direct leadership of the Communist Party they fabricated evidence. They even said “one of your village neighbors made a personal testimony that Chen had blocked vehicles [disrupted traffic].”

However, later on, it was proven that this person whose name [and testimony] they had used as “evidence” was actually two hundred kilometers away working at a job.

So these kinds of so-called “evidence” were used by the police in this way. Such “evidence” is accepted by the prosecutors and also accepted as valid by the court, so you can see how ridiculous it was to have convicted me of a crime in this way.

After this ordeal and after these illegal charges and convictions, my lawyers started to help me, and when they came to visit me the local Communist Party leader hired gangsters to drive a car without license plates to intercept them [Chen’s lawyers] on the road and beat them up.

So under this ridiculous situation they sent me to jail.

Extreme, violent abuses, is the only way to describe my situation in jail. When I was in jail, the Chinese Communist Party members, through the prison guards ordered convicted murderers in the jail to physically beat me.