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Interviews with Chen Guangcheng

Democracy fundamentally means the will of the people can be carried out. The power of the state must also execute the will of the people and serve the people and the people can decide the direction of the government. Of course by “people” I mean majority opinion. The people are the true masters of the nation. If a society can carry out this kind of system then that society is democratic. I believe human rights are a person’s most fundamental rights.

Like the right to elect officials, of free speech, of assembly, these are all rights that everyone should have. In general, I would say human rights are a part of a just society, such as the rights of equality. If there is no equality then there’s no justice in the society.

I believe the origins of these human rights are naturally evolved and exist as humans exist, but later on are taken away [by dictators]. Later on humanity realized their naturalistic human rights were being taken away by tyrants, so they fought to take back their rights. And so I believe societal development [throughout history] has undergone this process: natural formation, tyrants [who take human rights away], and then [the people push back and want to move] towards a democratic society.

I believe we can’t compare people in different eras. Throughout history any person that fights for human rights never had the assistance of the Internet. So we need to really have new paradigms to think and plan things, but in general, when facing against evil or unreasonable demands the courage to say “no” and the courage to fight, there are historical figures who are worthy for us to learn from.

People such as [Nelson] Mandela and [Mahatma] Gandhi. [Nelson Mandela is a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and politician who served as President of South Africa from 1994-1999. Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of India’s independence movement who inspired nonviolent movements for civil rights and freedom worldwide.].I think people such as they can inspire freedom in China. I believe democracy is the same as other systems in that it is not perfect It has many areas that still need development and improvement. I believe democracy is the same as other systems in that it is imperfect but it is currently the best system created by mankind. It encourages justice in society to the maximum.