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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Bronislaw Wildstein

Well this is a complicated procedure – everyone tried to get hold of things on their own initiative. For instance, we tried to get things by importing them from the West. These were protein-based polygraphic machines [reference to a polygraph device that produces a copy of a piece of writing simultaneously with the creation of the original using pens and ink] and they were a staple; we assembled them from pieces and we were busy hiding them. Very advanced.

But this was the highest level, this was the last level, this was at the end of the 1970s.

But we started by copying things on a typewriter through carbon paper. We entered into agreements with people from all kinds of plants, and at night we would remove their machines, or even go in and print things right there at their plant.

But we also learned. We created our own rudimentary printing machines; you know using a wooden frame and then the fabric, the same fabric that was used to make stockings and pantyhose. And from that we were able to get the hundred odd or even 200 or more copies per set up. And so we were active, in a manner of speaking in an official way, because we released our names, but the entire process on the other hand, that of printing was highly clandestine – for both printing and distribution.

And there were also various techniques that were used, but the basic principle was that people did not know about it – only a very narrow circle of those who knew our circulation system.

As an example, one of these techniques was to find, to create a covert site, as in a basement for example – which was used for the printing itself, where these people would stay cooped up throughout the time that it took to print out some large edition. This might take several days in a row, someone would prepare food and drink for them, somebody else would get it out to them. And then after those several days they would emerge from there, and then others would come take their place, would remove those things, and then would convey to them wherever they needed to go.