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Interviews with Bronislaw Wildstein

A lot is being said in Poland today that this was a time of a prosperity of sorts, especially the first half of the 1970s. But you have to realize that this is a relative characterization. So one indicator of prosperity was the possibility of buying a tiny Fiat automobile after several years of saving and receiving a special coupon. So these were people saving for many, many years, and you have to work for a very long time to buy the smallest automobile manufactured in the world.

The situation was the same with apartments, which in theory you could purchase, but in reality you had to save up for them for many, many years.

Some rare goods you would have to receive a special approval. If this was a car or an apartment, that was a special coupon. You would have to pay, of course, but that was not sufficient – you would need a coupon authorizing this.

And of course much more merchandise appeared in the stores. And all this forms a great contrast with the 1960s. But what I think is that for anyone coming from the West, when they heard that this was called prosperity and they saw what this consisted of, then that resulted in peals of laughter.

On the other hand, as far as [political] pressure is concerned, you could say that on the one hand, in the early ‘70s most of the political prisoners were released. But the oppression was significant, and what is more important is internalized fear among the population was certainly powerful, was dominant even.

One of the essential things which accompanied us when we were beginning our activities as the opposition was to convince people that we were not state agents – the question would be asked, “How is it possible that you are allowed to act freely, and you are not in prison? It is impossible, so this means that you are agents provocateurs.”

This ideological oppression was really not any less than in the 1960s. I had already mentioned about the creation – about the fact that the students were encumbered with an organization which was by now completely ideological [referring to the transformation of students’ unions into socialist students’ unions].

And at the same time, we remember that the constitution was modified with an amendment about the primary role of the Communist Party and the alliance with the Soviet Union [First Secretary of the Communist Party (in Poland) Edward Gierek from 1970 – 1980 was responsible for unpopular amendments to the Polish constitution that institutionalized the leading role of the Polish Workers Party in the state and Poland’s friendship with the Soviet Union.].

In 1977, a censor by the name of Tomasz Strzyżewski escaped to Sweden, taking with him entries from the official Polish Communist Book of Censorship. This could be fascinating reading even for somebody today. For instance, you were prevented from even mentioning the name of anybody who had come into conflict with the authorities; you are not allowed to mention them in any form.

You were not allowed to write about any kind of pollution, any kind of environmental problems in Poland, or about any facts which could be associated with that, for instance that PVC [Polyvinyl chloride – a type of plastic used in construction] panels might have an adverse impact on human health. This was something that was taboo.

Any mention about an accident would have to be coordinated with the authorities, and they would tell you which accidents could be written about and which could not. So I am citing these as examples, because there were an infinite number of these, in order to give you a sense the system. Moreover, this was clear to everyone living in Poland. I did not know any person – and I knew many people in Poland – and I did not know anyone, aside from isolated individuals, who would stand up and defend the system. Even people from the so-called [Communist] Party nomenklatura [a select list or class of people from which appointees for top-level government positions are drawn], whom I sometimes met, they would not defend the system either. They would explain that you cannot go any other way, because this is our geopolitical position, this is the threat from the outside, it was not them, that other, more noxious ones would come. [Wildstein refers to the strong influence of the Soviet Union in Poland at that time.]

There was this really uncanny phrase that was current at the time, the phrase was “they will” – you know, it is “they” who are in power, so when I would meet people who originated from the [communist] system, they would also grin this knowing smile, and say “well, you understand, it is ‘them’ ”.

And I did not know Edward Gierek [First Secretary of the Communist Party from 1970 – 1980], or any of those people at the very top, but I am certain that they also, when talking amongst themselves, would refer to “they”, except then they would be pointing eastward [toward Moscow].

The paradox is that any defense of communist Poland, as a system that was not perfect but had done some good things, only came across after the fall of communism in an independent Poland.

But at the same time, the period of Edward Gierek was the first such period when the communists gradually began to become property owners.

The initial small class of such owners appeared, and of course they were in league with the authorities, they could not have functioned otherwise, so they collaborated somehow with the establishment to create this very strange, perverse Polish business community.