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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Berta Soler

We, the Ladies in White, are women of principles and dignity that became aware. Without any experience, we advocate for our country’s freedom. We conduct ourselves in a very positive way and we are all women.

The outside world sees a bit more. They see our nonviolent activism and that the government reacts violently and negatively against us only because we participate in Masses and we advocate and march in our country’s streets.

Our inspiration is always based on Gandhi. It has always been a nonviolent struggle. We always say that as long as you have your principles and dignity, and truth and reason are by your side, you can take to the streets to demand from the Cuban government what they have taken from you in a peaceful way.

[Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi (1869 – 1948) led India to independence from Great Britain and was a pioneer of nonviolent civil disobedience.]

They took our men and one woman, Marta Beatriz [Roque Cabello], from our homes without cause. They were taken to prison only because they were men and women who thought, wrote, and expressed themselves. So that love for life, for family and for country was what got us out of our homes, without any experience, to become nonviolent activists for that which the Cuban government took from us. We expanded our [mission], and we work not only for the freedom of political prisoners, but on behalf of human rights.