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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Berta Soler

I think that the international community as well as the governments that love freedom and democracy can help the Cuban people achieve what we want in a peaceful manner.

First, the international community, wherever they are, when they hear there are human rights violations or beatings, they should raise their voices, asking that the violence cease against those that are attacked. And the governments who are always on the side of the Cuban government should say, “You are a violator of human rights.” Name them.

Say, “You are beating, you are committing violent acts, and your laws are arbitrary.” So, every time they say this and single out the Cuban government, as happened in Geneva some months ago… If this would happen, perhaps the Cuban government would hold back a bit.

They can contribute in some way or another so that we might be able to have freedom and democracy, and that the violence and the attacks against human rights activists might cease.