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Freedom Collection

Interviews with Berta Soler

Freedom is being able to express what one feels without harming anyone else. You and I may have differing opinions and I would respect that and not indoctrinate you. Freedom means that no one can prohibit me from exercising my freedom of movement, to leave and reenter my country, or to go to any province, attend a trial, the movies, or a church. That is freedom. To assemble together with a group of people. That to me is a freedom that no one can take from us or prohibit.

Getting on a bus, or to be able to buy a home or a business is freedom and the Cuban government does not allow it. Only the Cuban government can do that. To protest peacefully is to exercise a freedom and the government does not permit it.

I feel like a free woman because in or out of Cuba I say and express what I feel. I feel like a free woman because I make the attempt to go to church to exercise my religious freedom. I am a free woman because I make the attempt to associate and meet with my sisters of the struggle, my sisters in pain, but also with my brothers that are human rights activists.

I feel like a free woman in spite of the dictatorship, totalitarianism, and repression of the Castro regime. I want for my people, the entire world to have freedom, but not in the way that many human rights activists and I have. I want everyone to be free, that everyone in my country be free and be able to express themselves with respect. I want that they be able to exercise their freedoms because every human being needs to have freedom. And the Cuban government has been stealing the freedom of the Cuban people for more than 50 years.

Human liberty comes from within. We must know that we have to be free, that we cannot have a oppressor or anyone that prohibits us, and that when it is going to prohibit us it may demonstrate and say, “Look, it cannot be for a reason…” They must explain to us so we understand. Because if a child wants to drive a car and wants to exercise that right and the father explains, without imposing, “Look, you are a child and are not old enough. You cannot…” In those things yes. But in matters of the opposition it cannot be like that. Liberty comes from within human beings that need it. Because if you are not free then why live?